Why Authenticity is Your Greatest Edge

🌟 The Adventure of a Lifetime

Daring to be who you REALLY ARE is the adventure of a lifetime—and it's the journey I'd encourage my daughter to prioritize.

My Journey to Authenticity

After experiencing various life experiences:

... adopted at 11...

... moved to Hawaii from Taiwan without knowing any English to live with a new family...

... experienced feelings of prestige via CMU, working in Big Tech, climbing that ladder, making close to $900k, getting laid off from my dream job...

... starting my own online biz from 0 without an audience... and now making more than my previous base salary...

I am finally learning that True Fulfillment comes from aligning with your Authentic Self and embracing the unique path that you were meant to walk.

The Power of Authenticity

I used to chase someone else's definition of success, which definitely got me short term "happiness" that was only temporary.

But I am learning that True Fulfillment comes from focusing on who you REALLY ARE and who you came here to be.

When you work up the courage to be Authentic, not only can your career transform, but also your life.

One client:

  • Spoke Up: Found the courage to speak up in meetings saw their ideas implemented and their influence grow...
  • Embraced Their Unique Leadership: And stopped trying to fit a certain mold, discovering their unique leadership style and excelling...
  • Aligned with Their Values: And now they align their work with their value and are experiencing renewed passion.

By putting it all together, they are finding faster career advancement.

The Magic of Following Your Path

These patterns and learnings taught me that when you follow your Authentic path, magic can unfold right before you!

  • You will experience less resistance at work and in life
  • You will see opportunities flow to you with more ease
  • You will feel energized and more alive in your pursuits
  • AND, you will feel like YOU every step of the way 🌈

Experience Calm and Flow

That's why one of the most common phrases I hear from my clients is, "it is so calming talking to you."

When you are calm, your Authentic self will naturally shine ✨ and that is when you will experience magic and flow!

  • When your ideas get approved.
  • When leadership and stakeholders open doors for you.
  • When you sustainably exceed expectations half after half.

Your Next Step

So, I ask you: What would change in your life and career if you dared to be more Authentic? How might your journey transform?

👉 If you’re preparing for interviews at L6+ levels or striving to thrive in the top Tech companies, think about this: How can you show up more as YOU?

The top Tech companies don't need another cookie-cutter leader—they need you in your most authentic form.

Whether it’s acing your next interview or leveling up at your current role, success comes when you align your skills with your unique voice and leadership style.

Authenticity isn’t just a feel-good buzzword—it’s the edge that helps you stand out, speak up, and thrive at the highest levels.

So, next time you walk into a room, an interview, or a big meeting—ask yourself:

How can I show up as my most authentic self?

PS: Our acing L6+ interviews programs are full until late Feb, but in the meantime, I’ll keep sharing the mindset shifts that helped me and my clients achieve our wildest goals. Stay tuned! 🌟


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