🔑 Finding Self-Worth from Within

Redefine Your Self-Worth: A Journey Within

What if…. you get to be the only person who can validate our self-worth.

...not who parents you

… not who employs you

… not who manages you.

The Toll of External Validation

A lot of the validation that we seek comes from external sources, and that’s leading to this feeling of…

  • work & life feeling hard
  • work & life being stressful
  • work & life leading to burnout.

But, what if there is a different way of being?

From a different perspective with a different mindset?

Just because you didn’t get to manage a team,

Just because you didn’t land a specific job,

Just because you didn’t get promoted,

… it doesn’t mean that you’re not worthy,

… it doesn’t mean that you can’t do the job.

… it doesn’t mean that you don’t get to feel good about yourself.

A New Lifestyle, A New You

It doesn’t mean these things that we think it means.

The best validation will always come from WITHIN.

But we’re so conditioned to depend on external sources to give us that validation.

So the shift from depending on external validation to inner validation is a new lifestyle.

It’s a new way of being.



Journal with me: What should I let go of to know that I am already worthy?

I'm rooting for you.





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